The Nevada County Land Trust will be working on a trail along Rattlesnake Creek this Saturday (2/3) from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. You are invited to come out and help build a section of the trail. The setting is beautiful with large ponderosa pines, cedar and oaks, and Rattlesnake Creek below. The trail we are building will utilize an abandoned ditch, paralleling the creek for much of the distance. Tools will be provided by the Land Trust; however if you have a trailbuilding tool, bring it so we don't run out of tools. Work will consist of clearing debris from the abandoned ditch grade and grubbing out small trees, brush and roots to make a smooth trail bed.
Meet at Bob Goar's house at 14676 Highland Drive (phone number is 477-5050). Highland Drive is off of Rattlesnake Road, it meets Rattlesnake Road at two points, you take the second Highland Drive if traveling from Highway 174. From Cedar Ridge, travel south on 174 to Rattlesnake Road, then 1.4 miles down Rattlesnake to Highland, left on Highland to the first house on the left (just across the creek). We will walk from there to the work site, across Rattlesnake Road in the Rattlesnake Ridge Subdivision.
Please call if you need any additional information. A response is appreciated if you plan to help out, so that we have an idea about how many tools are needed. Call for more information: 272-5311