Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Example Letter for RTP

I wrote the following letter below which urges Congressional support for the Recreational Trail Program (RTP). Feel free to use any of the language or ideas to create you own letter, but please submit it as soon as possible. Thanks:


Dear Senator Feinstein,

Please support funding the Recreational Trail Program (RTP) for next year's federal budget. The RTP provides support for key trail projects throughout our nation which result in opportunities for healthy outdoor activities for all American citizens. The modest RTP budget allows non-profits and government agencies to leverage volunteer contributions to produce trails for everyone. As national obesity rates and healthcare expenditures continue to skyrocket, we need such recreational facilities.

As a trail advocate and volunteer, I am quite familiar with the crucial role the RTP plays in new community projects. Each year, local organizations look to RTP funding as they seek ways to make our home towns more livable and healthy. The United States should continue to look for ways to encourage people to get out of their cars, away from the TV and out exercising instead. Personally, I cannot think of a more cost effective means of achieving these objectives than the RTP.

Thank you for your consideration.

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