Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gala Ride - Saturday 7/2

Join us for a BONC Gala Ride on Saturday, July 2, 2011 at 9AM. Meet at the USFS Ranger Station on Coyote Street in Nevada City. We'll ride formal and informal trails right out of town. As usual, we'll have beer and drinks for participants.

Looking for another ride leader or two, let me know if you want to ride and help out.

NOTE: the GCTC Poker Ride occurs on this same day out of Skillman. We'll stay away from all the equestrian traffic in that area.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Free BONC Water Bottles!

BONC will provide free BONC water bottles to the first ten volunteers who help build the Tribute Trail on Wednesday 6/22 and Saturday 6/25! Help us complete a hand-built section of singletrack right here in Nevada City.

In addition to water bottles, BONC will try to score additional swag for participants. Come join the fun! On Wednesday, meet at 4PM at Pioneer Park Tennis Court parking lots on Nimrod St and on Saturday meet at the same location at 9AM. Please come prepared with long pants, closed-toe shoes, gloves and water. Matt will provide snacks and cookies. Bring trail tools (shovels, mcleods, pulaskis, rock bars, and hoes) if you have them.

This multi-use trail will be the south side of the Deer Creek Tribute Trail, and will eventually connect to the trail on the north side of the creek by way of a suspension bridge just downstream of the Nevada City Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Build Nevada City Singletrack on Saturday!

Please consider joining Matt Frietas this weekend as he cuts new singletrack right in Nevada City! This project will replace steep sections of the STP trail and connect to the Tribute Trail (see below). This is a great local volunteer project.

Meet this Saturday, June 8 at 9AM at the Pioneer Park Tennis Court parking lots on Nimrod St. Please come prepared with long pants, closed-toe shoes, gloves, and water. Matt will provide snacks and cookies. Bring trail tools (shovels, mcleods, pulaskis, rock bars, and hoes) if you have them. Rain cancels.

If you can't make it this weekend, other volunteer days are coming soon. Check out my earlier blog post for these dates and times.

Friends of Deer Creek has partnered with the City of Nevada City to build a trail between Jordan Street and Providence Mine Road. This multi-use trail will be the south side of the Deer Creek Tribute Trail, and will eventually connect to the trail on the north side of the creek by way of a suspension bridge just downstream of the Nevada City Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Input Needed: Potential Park in Grass Valley

The City of Grass Valley is applying for a large grant to develop a ~3 acre park at the northeast corner of Sutton Way and Idaho Maryland Roads. The City is hosting public meetings about this endeavor. Times include:

06/08 - Wed - 5:00 pm-7:00 pm
06/09 - Thur - 11:30 am - 1:30 pm
06/11 - Sat - 9:00 am-11:00 am
Location: 125 East Main St, Grass Valley

Please consider attending one of these sessions. BONC and NEO are pursing a bike park facility in Grass Valley (see BONC newsletter). Here is your opportunity to speak about some trails on this small potential park (though the GV bike park may be located elsewhere).

Tell council members how cycling has helped you improved your lifestyle, engaged you with the outdoors, etc. Your voice can help influence change with the decision makers in Grass Valley. We need to show up in numbers to let the Grass Valley Council know there is a huge local cycling community.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Scott's Flat Trail Impressions

Recently, my dogs and I had the pleasure of walking the proposed trail corridor for the Scott's Flat Trail. This entirely new section of trail will begin at the 5 Mile House and wind its way down to Scott's Flat Lake at the NID campground, where it will join the lakeside trail.

This is a *big* project that will result in ~4.5 miles of new singletrack close to town. Volunteers have done a good job picking the route, which follows a gentle grade across forested NID and USFS lands. I saw little evidence of much rock in this terrain, so I envision the trail will be very smooth. The gentle grade means that the route will be quite rideable in both directions, unlike the existing Scott's Drop Trail it will replace. And of course, much longer.

When the time comes, I hope BONC volunteers will step up to support this very local trail. The working group has already done a lot of preparation; as with most projects, the majority of required effort for a trail occurs long before any dirt is turned. If you have any questions, let Jon Pritchett know at

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Tribute Trail Ride Postponed

Because of high probability of rain showers on Saturday morning, the Tribute Trail Gala ride is postponed. We will try to reschedule this event ASAP.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Help Continue to Build the Tribute Trail in June

Matt Frietas passes along this information. A great project for local volunteers!

NOTE: This is not the trail across the new bridge at Stocking Flat, but rather the Sewage Treatment Plant trail (STP). We're going to be cutting new trail to replace the excessively steep sections of the existing trail, as well as to expand the trail system into new areas of the City-owned land between Jordan St. and Providence Mine Rd.

Please join us at our twice-a-week work days this June! Wednesday evenings (June 8, 15, 22, and 29): 4pm until dark Saturdays (June 11, 18, and 25): 9am to 2pm. Meet at the Pioneer Park Tennis Court parking lots on Nimrod St, as parking is limited at the site. We’ll carpool from the park.

Please come prepared with long pants (poison oak!), closed-toe shoes, gloves, and water. We’ll bring the snacks and cookies. Bring trail tools (shovels, mcleods, pulaskis, rock bars, and hoes) if you have them. All work days are weather dependent. We won’t be working if it’s pouring.

Come help us build a trail in Nevada City this June! For more information or questions regarding the volunteer days or the project please contact Matt Freitas at (530) 265-6090 ext. 251.

Friends of Deer Creek has partnered with the City of Nevada City to build a trail between Jordan Street and Providence Mine Road. This multi-use trail will be the south side of the Deer Creek Tribute Trail, and will eventually connect to the trail on the north side of the creek by way of a planned suspension bridge just downstream of the Nevada City Wastewater Treatment Plant.