"The following two dates have been set for volunteer work parties to begin construction of the Rattlesnake Trail Extension within the County's Right of Way from North Highland to the Colfax Highway (SR 174):
10 a.m. to about 12 noon, Thursday, December 3rd - Volunteers need to meet at the intersection of North Highland Drive and Rattlesnake Road.
10:30 a.m. to about 12:30, Saturday, December 5th - Volunteers need to meet at the intersection of Lower Colfax Road and Rattlesnake Road.
The initial effort will involve grubbing the trail alignment. We will have an assortment of Nevada County Land Trust hand tools available but you are welcome to bring your own (i.e. lopper, Pulaski, McCloud, etc.) Please bring work gloves and anything you may wish to drink or eat.
For planning purposes it would be helpful if you could let me know if you plan to participate on either or both days. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me. Thank you for your interest and support of this joint Rattlesnake Neighborhood Association / Nevada County Land Trust project."