From the
Gold Country Trails Council:
This is close to home and a beautiful area to ride. Camping is in an unimproved area, but does have a creek near by for stock water. You will need to high line your horse, tie to the trailer or bring your own portable corral. Start the weekend on Friday or come early Saturday for the 9:00 AM departure of the work party.
The trail work will be construction of the trail that will connect Loney Meadow with the Bowman Lake/Mountain trail. A section of that trail was obliterated by past logging in the area. In the event that the Forest Service (Joe Chavez) does not approve of the proposed route (inspection will take place July 23) the alternate work will be trail clearing. A section of the trail from the meadow to Rock Lake is quite overgrown. Please come prepared with loppers, hand saws, shovels, rakes, etc. Wear appropriate clothing...long sleeves, sturdy shoes, hat..bring water, sun screen, and your enthusiasm!
If you have not been to this area before, this is a great opportunity for introduction. If you not a camper, come for the day, as the distance is not too great. Travel time is about 1 & 1/2 hours from Grass Valley and it is a scenic drive. Take Hwy 20 east. (that is towards Reno) Left on Bowman Road. Travel about 10 miles on paved road. Just after the pavement turns to gravel look for a battered brown forest sign on the right for Loney Meadow. As you drive up that road, stay to the left at the fork. The short climb brings you out into a graveled area. Proceed to the right and across and then left on the continuation of the road to Loney Meadow. As you enter back into the more treed area, camping is on both sides of the road.
Please RSVP to Teri Personeni 273-9144. If you are camping please plan a pot luck dish for Saturday night dinner.