"It has been a while. A lot has happened in Forest City this year. The bridge is completed. Even better is the sweet trials section called “Pearl Necklace” adjacent to it. The Sandusky Trail has seasoned well and we have tuned up all the switchbacks so they are ridable although challenging. We just got the go ahead to begin construction on the epic 8 mile downhill (Ridge Runner and Jersey Trails) from the upper trail head all the way down to FC.
Our goal is to get as much roughed in before winter to allow it to season. We are going to start this work in earnest the next two weekends. In fact. We will be up on it for 10 days starting Halloween. Please come on up for some riding and trail play. There are some sweet sections in this new route that will roll your eyes into the brain with pleasure. We are currently starting to work on grants for '09. Anyone who could help with that would be great.
We also are still looking for a website angel. Pour sad website just doesn’t seem to have any legs."