Here is how you can make it happen:
Please take a minute to review the following information from Placer County Parks Department! It's about plans for a new trail from the Confluence. Here is how you can help:
Writing a quick letter to Mr. Andy Fisher at the address below to express support for the trail; and/or
Attending the public meeting in Auburn. Say you hope the trail will be a width much like the Connector, which was built with a SWECO and has developed a nice, narrow line. Mention that a new trail will disperse the heavy use on existing trails to improve the trail experience of everyone. Say you ride FDLT and other Confluence area trails, and have done volunteer trailwork with FATRAC, and would appreciate riding and volunteering on a new trail.
Thanks for showing your support for a new trail. If you have any questions, let me know.
Cathy Haagen-Smit
FATRAC Secretary
North Fork American River Trail Project DEIR
A Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the North Fork American River Trail project has been completed and is available for review and public comment.
The proposed natural surface trail would begin at the confluence of the North and Middle Forks of the American River and end at the Ponderosa Bridge, approximately 14.2 miles upstream. It could be used by hikers, equestrians and mountain bikers. Bridges and stream fords, staging areas, a restroom facility, signage and informational kiosks are also part of the proposed project.
The Placer County Facility Services Department is soliciting the views of interested persons, agencies and organizations regarding the project. Copies of the DEIR are available for review at the Auburn Library, 350 Nevada Street, or at the Placer County Facility Services office at 2855
2nd Street in the County Government Center, also in Auburn. It may also be viewed online or downloaded at www.placer.ca.gov .
A public meeting is planned for Thursday, August 23, at 6:30 p.m. to share information and receive comments. The meeting will be held in the Planning Commission Hearing Room in the Community Development Resource Center, located at 3091 County Center Drive in Auburn.
Written comments will also be accepted through 5 p.m. on Monday, September 24, 2007. They may be submitted to the Facility Services Department, c/o Andy Fisher, 11476 C Avenue, Auburn, CA 95603.